Google CEO tells FORTUNE – “Everyone needs a coach”
According to a study carried out by the UK-based Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (
CIMA), coaching might be appropriate for:
- Senior managers who are unlikely to benefit from conventional training courses.
- Managers who need the space to develop or improve new or existing skills.
- Those on a ‘fast track’ career programme.
- Staff who need to focus more on their career paths.
- Managers who have reached a career plateau and want to progress, but don’t know how to.
- Anybody developing a new career.
- Staff or managers who want to change career direction.
- Employees returning to work after a career break.
- Staff wanting to improve their skills and abilities.
- Individuals who respond better to alternative learning methods.
- Mentors and coaches themselves.
- Staff or managers working through difficult issues.
Courtesy: iTalentia